Ph.D. Student, she/her
Looking for internship opportunities!
I am a Ph.D. student affiliated with the Foundations of Language Processing research group at Umeå University, focusing on making modern neural network architectures more interpretable through formal language theory.
- Assistant in Research at Yale University (Autumn 2024), advised by Bob Frank and Dana Angluin.
- Assistant in Research at MIT (Spring 2024), advised by Jon Rawski.
- Research Intern at Aristo @ AI2 (Aug-Dec 2023), advised by Ashish Sabharwal.
I am hosting and organizing the FLaNN seminars (an online series on Formal Languages and Neural Networks).
Feel free to contact me at lenas[æt]
- Formal Language Theory
- Neural Networks
- Computational Linguistics

Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2022 -
Foundations of Language Processing Group, Umeå University
M.Sc. in Computer Science with Speech and Language Processing, 2021
University of Sheffield
B.Sc. in Computer Science, 2019
Freie Universität Berlin